My Account:

English-Login and Password field (same information)
first 4 digits from your register email plus first 4 no. from your register telephone no. generally (password can be changed after login)

If you have any problem(s) on login, please capture the screen & send screen(s) to us via electronic methods. Contact information is located at the left bottom for your any enquiries

登入欄:一般情況下為您在圖書館登記之電郵首4位字元以及電話號首4位數字, 而密碼欄之資料與登入欄相同,密碼可在登入後修改。


登入栏:一般情况下为您在图书馆登记之电邮首4位字元以及电话号首4位数字, 而密码栏之资料与登入栏相同,密码可在登入后修改。
