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Inter-Library Loan and/or E-Document Delivery Services from Cooperative Libraries, Inhouse Using the Cheung Chau Wu Mo Tak Memorial Library (cooperative pilot scheme) and Application the Lumina College Library Card for ALS Academic Colleagues 

u  Inter-Library Loan and/or E-Document Delivery services from Cooperative Libraries

ALS Staff & Program Students can apply for the Inter-Library Loan and/or E-Document Delivery Services from the following Cooperative Libraries (large requests may not be allowed by the ALS Library). The eligibility requirements are listed here. Please pay attention before using these services from Cooperative Libraries: 

l   Wanted item(s) is /are not held by the ALS Library or

l   Wanted item(s) is /are held by us and borrowed by the other user(s).

l   All Inter-Library Loan and/or E-Document Delivery requests are processed successful or not depending on the decision of lending library.

l   Clients need to borrow & return items from the Cooperative Libraries by themselves. Please also inform us after you borrow or return from the Cooperative Libraries.

l   All borrowed items must keep in good condition when returning to the Cooperative Libraries.

l   Overdue items may be charged after the due date. All loans from Cooperative Libraries are subject to recall that the due date may be changed. Please pay attention to the latest due date from us. Limited renewals are needed to apply before the due date.

l   All contents of the E-Document Delivery requests are complied with the Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance Cap.528. 

Detail of the Inter-Library Loan and/or E-Document Delivery Services is listed as follow: 

-CUHK LIBRARY (Inter-Library Loan and/or E-Document Delivery)

Request of all circulating items, including branch libraries

Free of charge

Request of electronic article(s) and/or book chapter(s) from the loanable and non-loanable items

HKD$20 per article / book chapter


Borrowing & returning information: from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5:30pm, except PHs or the day prior to special festival days.

Requestors should fill in this Google form for processing your request each time

-HKBU LIBRARY (Inter-Library Loan and/or E-Document Delivery)

Request of all circulating materials in the General Collection at the Main Library & Chinese Medicine Library

Free of charge

Request of electronic article(s) and/or book chapter(s) from the holding collection, excluding the following items:

1.         Audio-visual Materials

2.         Electronic Resources

3.         Music Scores

4.         RRS Storage Collection

5.         Shek Mun Campus Library Collections

6.         Theses

-HKD$5 per article / book chapter

-HKD$15 per article / book chapter for rush Request


Borrowing & returning information: service hours of the User Services Counter in the Main Library, for detail please click here 

Requestors should fill in this Google form for processing your request each time

- Alliance Bible Seminary Library (E-Document Delivery only)

Request of electronic article(s) / book chapter(s) in the holding collection (branch library materials at Wan Chai is needed to approve for case by case)


-HKD$1 per page (black & white)

-HKD$2 per page (colour)


Processing time: at least 2 working days

Requestors should fill in this Google form for processing your request each time

u  Inhouse Using the Cheung Chau Wu Mo Tak Memorial Library at the Alliance Bible Seminary (cooperative pilot scheme)

ALS program students and all staff can visit the Cheung Chau Wu Mo Tak Memorial Library at the Alliance Bible Seminary for inhouse using the printed and non-printed resources, including the subscribed resources at the Library. Bookings in advance are needed for this inhouse using Library service. The eligible users can also use the copying, scanning and WIFI services here. The updated opening hours can be found here for reference. If you have any question(s) on this cooperative pilot scheme, you can ask for the library colleagues of the ALS or Alliance Bible Seminary.

Eligible users can fill in this Google form for booking  

u  ALS academic colleagues: enjoying the borrowing privileges and inhouse using services at the Lumina College Library 

ALS academic colleagues can apply for the free Library Card to borrow the printed items at the Lumina College Library. Presenting the Library Card is necessary for access there and inhouse using the Library services. Application detail can be obtained from the ALS Library.


My Account:

English-Login and Password field (same information)
first 4 digits from your register email plus first 4 no. from your register telephone no. generally (password can be changed after login)

If you have any problem(s) on login, please capture the screen & send screen(s) to us via electronic methods. Contact information is located at the left bottom for your any enquiries

登入欄:一般情況下為您在圖書館登記之電郵首4位字元以及電話號首4位數字, 而密碼欄之資料與登入欄相同,密碼可在登入後修改。


登入栏:一般情况下为您在图书馆登记之电邮首4位字元以及电话号首4位数字, 而密码栏之资料与登入栏相同,密码可在登入后修改。
